Pharmacies -


Globally, the pharmaceutical industry is huge… and the U.S. segment comprises of 40% of this market. As the most important and influential national market, projects put the U.S. pharmaceutical industry at a value of $550 billion by 2020. Invariably, this means that the vast majority of Americans are taking at least 1 prescription medication each day. Below are some statistics that illustrate the immense scale of prescription drug usage in the U.S.:

  • Over 4 billion prescriptions are written each year
  • The average American fills approximately 13 prescriptions each year
  • 46% of adults take at least 1 prescription
  • 11.5% of adults take at least 3 prescription drugs
  • 6.5% of adults take at least 4 prescription drugs
  • 23% of aged 18-24 are on at least 1 prescription drug
  • 46% of aged 55 and older are on at least 1 prescription drug
  • 12.6% of aged 65 and older are taking at least 4 prescription drugs

The Take Meds Now application can give your organization an edge over the competition in securing a share of this ever-expanding market. As a cloud-based application, Take Meds Now provides your customers with a valuable service that improves their adherence to prescription medications. By improving patient adherence of your customers, you can improve the percentage of them who will fill new and re-fill existing prescriptions with you.

Better Adherence = More Prescription Refills

Take Meds Now is a closed-loop system that sends detailed medication reminders to patients, records taken and missed doses, and connects their doctors to their adherence data. This allows for the monitoring, measurement, and improving of individual patient adherence to prescription medications. As a service, Take Meds Now will make sure your customers take their prescription medication correctly, and offers them, and their families, with peace of mind.

Take Meds Now also compiles a tremendous amount of aggregated data surrounding patient adherence and prescription medication profiles. Your organization can leverage this powerful data to analyze trends in adherence and prescription medication usage in terms of demographics, age, location, etc. Access to this type and volume of information can help shape your products and services to better meet the needs of your customers.

Below are several of the features and benefits of using Take Meds Now:

Feature Benefit
Automated medication reminders Customers gain a methodology to ensure the proper usage and adherence to their prescription medications, and ultimately gain peace of mind that their short and long-term therapies will have a higher likelihood of success
Improved patient adherence Improving customer adherence to prescription medications, which will equate to a higher likelihood of re-filling their prescriptions, and potentially filling new prescriptions with your organization
Peace of Mind as a service Offering Take Meds Now as a value add service to your customers will help build, strengthen, and maintain customer relationships
Take Meds Now